Manage Exam Stress with Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis for Exam NervesStress and anxiety levels are naturally higher at exam times.  The worry, dread and fear of failure can take hold months before exams affecting study and sleep.  Some stress is quite normal and can often help students stay motivated and attentive.  However, too much stress can be unhelpful and negatively affect attention and memory.  Students can find it more difficult to concentrate, retain and recall information. Research has shown that stress and anxiety impacts exam performance and has a negative effect on results.

With a calm mind you can improve concentration and memory to give the best and most effective exam performance.

Hypnotherapy has helped many students manage exam stress and perform at their best.

A well prepared mind is an effective one.  For the best results, allow time for preparation and practice.   Do not delay book your session today.

Gain Freedom from Social Anxiety

Hypnotherapy Social AnxietyIt is normal to want to make a good impression in social settings and some level of anxiety is quite natural. However, if you excessively fear being negatively evaluated, humiliated or embarrassed in social situations then you may well be experiencing social anxiety.

People who suffer with social anxiety want to avoid circumstances that could make then feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. On a physical level they may be sweating, blushing or trembling.  Quite often they would rather be anywhere than a social gathering.

Social anxiety disrupts normal life and can have a debilitating effect on the person involved.  People can feel anxious before social situations, uncomfortable throughout and conclude them with negative thoughts of being judged.  These fears of rejection lead to loss of self-worth and low self-esteem.

Hypnotherapy together with psychotherapy is highly effective in helping people overcome social anxiety.  Using proven techniques you can overcome unwanted feelings of anxiety so that you can enjoy life more, build new relationships and develop your potential.

Phobias: How to Easily Overcome Excessive Fears and Phobias with Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy and PhobiasA phobia is an irrational fear of a particular thing or situation which can have devastating and debilitating consequences for the person involved. The physical reactions vary from mild to intense and include sweaty palms, erratic heartbeat, nausea, increased muscle tension, shortness of breath, blurred vision and fainting. Fears and phobias may be the product of past traumas, accumulated stresses or a series of negative experiences.

Some phobias are Simple Phobias and others are considered to be Complex Phobias.  Simple phobias are usually isolated and tend to be specific e.g. fear of flying.  These phobias are often fully resolved very quickly with hypnotherapy.

In the case of complex phobias, often the presenting phobia is not the real concern, its the underlying unresolved issues that must be addressed.  The interesting thing about phobias is that the relationship of the phobia and the cause may not seem logical.  For example, who would think that if a brother locked a sister in a cuppord that he she would grow up and present with fear of flying.  The cause of the phobia is usually unconscious, therefore only an intervention which operates at an unconscious level can solve it i.e. therapy that is conducted hypnosis.

Top 10 Phobias

Here are a list of the top 10 most frequently experienced phobias listed on the ABC Newspage.

    1.  Social phobias:  excessive fear of social situations
    2.  Agoraphobia: fear of open spaces
    3.  Acrophobia: fear of heights
    4.  Pteromerhanophobia: fear of flying
    5.  Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed spaces
    6.  Entomophobia: fear of insects
    7.  Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes
    8.  Cynophobia: fear of dogs
    9.  Astraphobia: fear of storms
    10. Trypanophobia: fear of needles

The most commonly treated phobias in my therapy room are social phobia, fear of flying, fear of enclosed spaces and fear of needles,  Although not listed on the top ten I have treated people with driving phobia.  Thankfully fear of snakes is not a problem here in Ireland, however I have treated excessive fears and phobias of spiders, mice and birds.

Regardless of what phobia affects your life, there is no need to suffer.  Hypno-psychotherapy is highly successful in treating irrational fears and phobias.  If you want to find out more, please contact me today.

Hypnotherapy for Health

Welcome to Hypnotherapy for Health

Many issues can be helped using suggestion hypnotherapy, however when when thoughts and feelings are beyond a person’s control, it is essential to do Analytical Hypnotherapy.

Analytical hypnotherapy is a powerful, in-depth, therapeutic approach that can be used in order to resolve innermost conflict, trauma and distress.

This type of therapy takes a person to the deepest levels of their mind in order to draw out what may be leaving them feeling debilitated or inhibiting their personal growth.

Analytical Hypnotherapy is also known as Hypno-Analysis or Hypno-Analytical Therapy. Just in the same way as the principle of cause and effect works, analytical hypnotherapy works from the premise that every symptom has an underlying cause. For example when people experience anxiety or panic attacks, they are triggering a feeling from their childhood. Those who experience intense anxiety while public speaking they may be triggering a time when they previously felt humiliated in public.

Once the cause of the presenting symptom is identified, the emotional experience can be understood and addressed with multiple therapeutic methods. It has been proven to be effective with even the most stubborn of symptoms.

Analytical hypnotherapy is a powerful, in-depth, therapeutic approach that can be used in order to resolve the most stubborn of symptoms a person may have.

“Hypnoanalysis enables the therapist to locate the sources of inner conflicts, and this is the best technique I know for getting to the root of causes quickly.” –Dave Elman

Birth Calmly with Hypnobirthing

Women the world over are seeking out hypnobirthing to facilitate a calm and natural birth.  By practising simple and specific hypnotic relaxation techniques during pregnancy, you can release birthing fears and anxieties and build confidence in yourself and your body’s ability to give birth naturally. When you are physically and mentally relaxed during labour you can have much more manageable child birthing experience.Hypnobirthing Monaghan

With the help of hypnobirthing, you can:

  • Enjoy deep sleep during pregnancy
  • Reduce the need for pain relief
  • Shorten labour times
  • Learn the deep hypnotic relaxation techniques
  • Release fears and anxiety of the birthing process
  • Build confidence in your own ability to birth naturally
  • Calmly connect with the natural birthing process
  • Connect with your body’s innate wisdom

Contact Sinead Duffy to book your hypnobirthing sessions.


“Hypnoanalysis enables the therapist to locate the sources of inner conflicts, and this is the best technique I know for getting to the root of causes quickly.”

Dave Elman