Hypnotherapy for Children

Hypnotherapy for ChildrenIt is extremely distressing to witness your child experiencing something difficult whether it is anxiety, bedwetting, bullying, social anxiety, a traumatic event, exam stress, fear of flying or indeed grief following the loss of a loved one.  Parents often do not know where to turn to find appropriate help.  Hypnotherapy can provide solutions to some of the most challenging issues that children may experience.  Hypnosis has long demonstrated its effectiveness in facilitating approaches used in psychotherapy.

Children respond exceptionally well to hypnotherapy.  Their creative imaginations, love of magic and ability to be in the present moment allows them to engage fully in therapy.  Children are naturally open to new ideas and experiences and can make remarkable progress relatively quickly.  They can overcome fears, release emotions and break habits much more easily than adults.

How does Hypnotherapy Work with Children?

Hypnosis for ChildrenThe focus of the treatment will be established at the outset, clarifying the presenting problem and how hypnotherapy can help.  Sessions are unique to each child and the therapeutic techniques and strategies used will be specific to the child’s problem, age and stage of social and cognitive development.

Parents are invited to remain present with their child throughout the duration of the session.  In the case of older children and adolescents consent is required before treatment can begin.  It is really important that your child feels safe and secure during therapy and that they are speaking to someone that they can trust.

Thankfully, younger children do not have the same misconceptions about hypnosis that adults have learned
from performing hypnotherapists on TV, therefore they respond readily and make progress.

Your child’s imagination, curiosity and sense of adventure will be used in order to desensitise fears and overcome difficulties.  They can release unwanted emotion and overcome negative experiences.  Metaphorical stories, drawings, visualisations, games and other tools may also be used.

The hypnotherapy sessions for children are approximately one hour long.  A good indication of the number of sessions needed can be given based on assessment of each child on their initial visit.


Children’s Issues Treated in Hypnotherapy

Parents seek hypnotherapy and psychotherapy for their children in order to solve cognitive, emotional and behavioural issues. Below is a summary of the treatments available. If you have a query about something that is not listed, please do not hesitate to get in touch.